Diet Burnout Could Be Causing Your Inability To Lose Weight

For the last 20 odd years ‘fad’ diet programs have been coming out at a fast rate – everything from ‘thin thighs in 8 minutes a day’ to ‘lose 20 pounds in 20 days’. Of course these false promises are appealing to anyone who is overweight and they blindly keep trying these useless programs in […]

Do You Really Know What Happens To Your Body When You Go On A Diet?

There is a negative condition that our body is subject to which is common during and after many popular weight loss diets. You may have heard of it – ‘metabolic damage’ or sometimes it is referred to as ‘starvation mode’. It is a series of hormonal and chemical responses to prolonged calorie restriction. The World […]

Do You Know The Best Way To Lose Weight?

You hear a lot these days about metabolism especially when losing weight is mentioned and many people wonder what exactly this means. Our metabolism is essentially the engine of our body taking the food we eat, turning it into energy so we can move around. A healthy metabolism helps us burn up the food we […]

Losing Excess Body Fat Involves More Than JUST A Diet

It is common for people who have become overweight to focus on just one thing – losing that fat weight in the fastest possible manner. They jump on the latest ‘fad’ get thin quick diet on the market and start restricting food intake without thinking that they are simply on another merry-go-round of yo-yo weight […]

Are You In Need Of A Metabolism Makeover?

If you have become overweight it is easy to fall back on excuses than to make the necessary lifestyle changes that would enable you to lose that excess fat weight. Sometimes people convince themselves they are perfectly happy with their body size, but you can bet if someone offered them the chance to wave a […]

Just Two Things Are Needed For Permanent Weight Loss

There is a new concept coming to the fore about the best way to lose weight. It is really the opposite from the old outdated ‘diet’ and exercise in the ‘fat burning’ zone. It is about achieving good ‘metabolic fitness’ which means your body is balanced and fat burning/fat storing hormones are working efficiently. It […]

No More Dieting – Please

We have all seen them – the promises of the get thin quick schemes – ‘lose ten pounds in 7 days’ or ‘get thin thighs in 3 minutes a day’. They taunt us with images of overweight bodies next to super slim ones and we think to ourselves ‘maybe this time’. We think that the […]

If You Are Overweight You Have Some Work To Do To Fix The Problem

Overweight people are quick to blame their metabolism on their weight loss struggles. After all it is the rate our body burns fuel so it has a big impact on whether we remain slim and trim or become one of the two thirds of us who are overweight. Most of us are confused about our […]

Is Your Metabolism Healthy Enough To Keep You Slim?

Most of us are aware of the connection between a healthy metabolism (the body’s engine) and the ability to lose or gain excess fat weight. Some people have been blessed by the fast-metabolism gods, but for most of us we can only wish that we could burn more fuel (calories) than we burn eat day […]

Losing Weight And Losing Body Fat Are Very Different Things

There are some major differences between what you do to lose weight and what you do to lose excess body fat. Somehow with all the misinformation that is rife about weight loss we can easily lose sight of which one of these two is the one we want. The main difference is that a weight […]