Have You Heard – Strong Is The New Skinny?

Women sporting strong muscles and curvier figures are now becoming the new ‘cool’ girls. It seems the skeletal-look of some of our fashion models and film stars are no longer something to strive for.  Although a lot of these people are ‘skinny’ they are also fat at the same time. Skinny-fat is the term as […]

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Stop Thinking That You Need To Exercise – And Start Doing

We all know we need to have a proper exercise program firmly in place in our lives but how much thinking about it do we need to do? When we see a need, we get an idea, a thought, a dream, a goal or something in our life that needs changing and we have an […]

Note: If you found the content in this article useful, please check out my home page where you'll find more information about my No Excuses Body Makeover program:

Are Your Body’s Fat Burning Hormones Working Against You?

Do you ever feel like your body is working against you? Do you eat a healthy diet and exercise but are just not getting the results you think you deserve? It could be that you have a hormone imbalance – one where you have low levels of fat burning hormones and too high levels of […]

Note: If you found the content in this article useful, please check out my home page where you'll find more information about my No Excuses Body Makeover program: