Many people wonder what the best exercise to lose weight is and there is so much misinformation about this subject out there that it does make it really hard to find the truth. What makes it especially hard is that for the last 30 odd years we have been told that the best exercise to […]
Note: If you found the content in this article useful, please check out my home page where you'll find more information about my No Excuses Body Makeover program:Best Exercise To Lose Weight
Can’t Lose Weight? It’s Most Likely Your Metabolism
Many overweight people are finding that despite improved eating habits and adding more activity into their lives they simply can’t lose weight. There are a number of metabolic processes contributing to this and when you address them the weight will begin to disappear. Why you can’t lose weight Merely by becoming overweight in the first […]
Note: If you found the content in this article useful, please check out my home page where you'll find more information about my No Excuses Body Makeover program:Why Am I Not Losing Weight?
You are no slacker when it comes to your health – you watch what you eat, cutting back on fat, controlling carbohydrates and use portion control. You can resist sweets and ice cream without a problem and exercise regularly. Yet, the bathroom scale needle still won’t budge. It’s as if those pesky scales are laughing […]
Note: If you found the content in this article useful, please check out my home page where you'll find more information about my No Excuses Body Makeover program:Motivation To Lose Weight – Here’s How You Can Get It
Maybe you are one of the two thirds of us in the world that is in the ‘overweight’ category, stuck or trapped in a too heavy, feel-bad body. You may even feel that your body has failed you and let you down. You know somehow you need to find the motivation to lose weight but […]
Note: If you found the content in this article useful, please check out my home page where you'll find more information about my No Excuses Body Makeover program:Do You Live In An Overweight Feel-Bad Body?
The facts are two thirds of us overweight to some degree or another and when we look closely it is easy to see why. Our modern sedentary world offers little in the way of built in daily physical activity and has us sitting for the best part of 80 percent of our day. Unless we […]
Note: If you found the content in this article useful, please check out my home page where you'll find more information about my No Excuses Body Makeover program:Get Your Metabolism Humming To Lose The Weight You Want
You may have already heard that a mysterious thing ‘metabolism’ is the solution for losing excess body fat. Yes and it can be controlled and manipulated to a certain extent to work for you (rather than against you) and help you get your slim body back. Metabolism refers to the rate at which one’s body […]
Note: If you found the content in this article useful, please check out my home page where you'll find more information about my No Excuses Body Makeover program:What Does A Proper Fat Loss Program Look like?
For the last few decades losing weight was all about restricting food intake and adding lots of low intensity long duration activities in the hope of forcing our body to use up its fat stores. We have all been conditioned by the billion dollar weight loss industry to believe that it was all about losing […]
Note: If you found the content in this article useful, please check out my home page where you'll find more information about my No Excuses Body Makeover program:Cellulite – An Unattractive Aspect of Aging and Excess Fat
Maybe you have struggled with cellulite all of your life; or maybe this is a new development since you reached your thirties. Either way, cellulite is ugly. Often times it is small and others do not even see it on your, but to you it looks like it covers your entire stomach, butt, or thighs. […]
Note: If you found the content in this article useful, please check out my home page where you'll find more information about my No Excuses Body Makeover program:Our Waistlines Are Widening But We Are In Denial About The Dangers Of Being Overweight.
In our looks-obsessed society, many people believe that being overweight is just an appearance issue and not a deeper medical issue where it can seriously affect a person’s life. You could call the “I’m fat and it’s okay” mentality as a negative reaction to the modern fitness/weight loss/looking good movement that tends to put how […]
Note: If you found the content in this article useful, please check out my home page where you'll find more information about my No Excuses Body Makeover program:Strength Training Exercise – Your Most Effective Weight Loss Tool
Traditionally when women exercised with weight loss in mind they focused more on ‘cardio’ type activities and combined this with a diet of some kind to restrict calories. While this approach may have worked for some women it fell way short of the mark for most women’s fitness/weight loss goals. We now know that dieting […]
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