Cellulite – An Unattractive Aspect of Aging and Excess Fat

Maybe you have struggled with cellulite all of your life; or maybe this is a new development since you reached your thirties. Either way, cellulite is ugly. Often times it is small and others do not even see it on your, but to you it looks like it covers your entire stomach, butt, or thighs. […]

Our Waistlines Are Widening But We Are In Denial About The Dangers Of Being Overweight.

In our looks-obsessed society, many people believe that being overweight is just an appearance issue and not a deeper medical issue where it can seriously affect a person’s life. You could call the “I’m fat and it’s okay” mentality as a negative reaction to the modern fitness/weight loss/looking good movement that tends to put how […]

4 Essential Eating Rules For Fat Loss

How you eat on a fat loss diet is very different from how you eat on a weight loss diet. If you are only concerned about losing weight on the scales your focus is on the restriction of calories and the weight loss you will experience is some fat and also muscle tissue and water. […]

Look After Your Metabolism And Watch Fat Loss Happen

Some of us are guilty of a long history of dieting and yo-yo weight cycling. On again, off again, stop/start the latest fat diet or exercise program and our weight goes up and down like the tide coming in and going out.  The more we do this the harder it becomes to really become leaner […]

Is Your Fitness Program Complete?

When someone reaches a point where they know they must make some lifestyle changes they often struggle with what is a complete fitness program. Some people start just with one or two components but often they are not enough to get them the results that are desired. A fitness program does have four different parts […]

Why Small Meals Are Best For Weight Loss Success

Our ancestors worked hard manually and used to eat three ‘square’ hearty meals each day to fuel this physical labour. They could easily burn off thousands of calories when working in the fields, farming and other manual ‘work’. Women also worked hard doing housework cooking and washing without modern appliances. Now-a-days we can get through […]

You Are Taking A Big Life Risk Without Proper Exercise

Most of us spend a lot of time worrying about ‘things’. Things like making enough money to live a good life or being a good spouse, partner or parent. We often forget to take care of our health in the way of proper exercise and healthy eating yet if our body lets us down none […]

Do You Think Fat Or Fit?

If you have become overweight and wish to change that you have to firstly change your thinking. If you continue to harbour the same thoughts you will continue getting the same results. There is an old Chinese proverb that says “If I don’t change the direction I am headed, I will end up where I’m […]

Could Diet Burnout Be Causing Your Inability To Lose Weight?

If you have been unkind to your body in your attempts to lose weight both with your eating and exercise habits you could have been working against it and overstressing it. If you are guilty of being on and off ‘fad’ restrictive diets and excessive long duration, low intensity exercise activities you may have damaged […]

A Food Journal – Write Your Way To Successful Weight Loss

Writing down everything you eat in a food journal can double your weight-loss success and help you keep that excess fat weight off permanently as well. It is actually harder maintaining your weight than actually losing it so all the helpful tools we can use is a good thing. A recent study of 2000 overweight […]