You Are Taking A Big Life Risk Without Proper Exercise

Most of us spend a lot of time worrying about ‘things’. Things like making enough money to live a good life or being a good spouse, partner or parent. We often forget to take care of our health in the way of proper exercise and healthy eating yet if our body lets us down none […]

Do You Think Fat Or Fit?

If you have become overweight and wish to change that you have to firstly change your thinking. If you continue to harbour the same thoughts you will continue getting the same results. There is an old Chinese proverb that says “If I don’t change the direction I am headed, I will end up where I’m […]

Does Your Exercise Attitude Need An Adjustment?

Have you ever made a decision to ‘exercise more’ or to ‘eat better’ …then after a few weeks/days of getting to the gym early, experiencing sore muscles and not seeing immediate results….you decided that your position as a non-exerciser was easier?  Maybe…just maybe what you really need is an adjustment to your exercise attitude. How we […]

5 Strategies For Losing Weight And Keeping It Off For Good

The interesting thing about losing weight is that many people think that it a one time process that begins when you make changes that get you losing weight and it ends when you have achieved that.  But it can never really be like that as that would only be a short term fix and the […]

Proper Exercise Is Your Ticket To More Effective Weight Loss

If there is a secret to losing weight and keeping it off your metabolism (your body’s engine) is it. Often surrounded in mystery your metabolism is the rate your body burns fuel and a healthy model is your best fat-burning and weight loss friend. Some people are blessed by the fast-metabolism gods, but for most […]