You are no slacker when it comes to your health – you watch what you eat, cutting back on fat, controlling carbohydrates and use portion control. You can resist sweets and ice cream without a problem and exercise regularly. Yet, the bathroom scale needle still won’t budge. It’s as if those pesky scales are laughing […]
Could Diet Burnout Be Causing Your Inability To Lose Weight?
If you have been unkind to your body in your attempts to lose weight both with your eating and exercise habits you could have been working against it and overstressing it. If you are guilty of being on and off ‘fad’ restrictive diets and excessive long duration, low intensity exercise activities you may have damaged […]
A Food Journal – Write Your Way To Successful Weight Loss
Writing down everything you eat in a food journal can double your weight-loss success and help you keep that excess fat weight off permanently as well. It is actually harder maintaining your weight than actually losing it so all the helpful tools we can use is a good thing. A recent study of 2000 overweight […]
Why Metabolism Matters
Our metabolism is the rate our body processes the food we eat and burns it for energy. If an imbalance occurs and we eat more than we burn off we become over-fat and overweight. This is what you see happening in the world today with loads of calorie dense processed foods and inactive and sedentary lifestyles all […]
Proper Exercise Is Your Ticket To More Effective Weight Loss
If there is a secret to losing weight and keeping it off your metabolism (your body’s engine) is it. Often surrounded in mystery your metabolism is the rate your body burns fuel and a healthy model is your best fat-burning and weight loss friend. Some people are blessed by the fast-metabolism gods, but for most […]
If You Are Overweight A Diet Is The Last Thing You Should Be Thinking Of
If someone has become overweight the first thing we think of is that they should go on a diet. Everywhere we look we see examples of what we should be doing – television, magazines, book stores and the internet are full to overflowing with hundreds of different diet programs and plans. The trouble with this […]