Losing Weight Is Not A One Time Event – It Is A Lifestyle

With close to two thirds of us overweight to one degree or another it is no surprise that many people would love to lose weight. Yet for most of them it is not something that is going to happen any time soon.  They eat what and however much they want all year round and prefer […]

Why Small Meals Are Best For Weight Loss Success

Our ancestors worked hard manually and used to eat three ‘square’ hearty meals each day to fuel this physical labour. They could easily burn off thousands of calories when working in the fields, farming and other manual ‘work’. Women also worked hard doing housework cooking and washing without modern appliances. Now-a-days we can get through […]

Weight Loss – Eating Right And Proper Exercise Will Do It

For decades we have been fixated on dieting and what the scales says in our quest for slimness. Throw in some long slow exercise activity like walking or jogging and you had the formula for weight loss. But now in our modern day science has finally provided the proof that these methods were not the […]

Work With Your Metabolism For Successful Weight Loss

For many overweight people weight loss is just another one of those things that they will get around to ‘one day’. They have made up their mind that it really is something they will eventually have to do but keep putting it off as it is often viewed as being ‘too hard’ or ‘too much […]

Why Is It So Difficult To Lose Weight?

Many people try to lose weight and fail. Ninety five percent of all diets fail. We may wonder why this is so and what we can do to be successful at weight loss. The problem is most diets do not address the reason why you are overweight. If you have tried and failed to lose […]

A Food Journal – Write Your Way To Successful Weight Loss

Writing down everything you eat in a food journal can double your weight-loss success and help you keep that excess fat weight off permanently as well. It is actually harder maintaining your weight than actually losing it so all the helpful tools we can use is a good thing. A recent study of 2000 overweight […]

Having Trouble With Weight Loss? – Lack Of Metabolic Fitness May Be The Problem

You are trying hard to lose weight and you are cutting the calories and are exercising. You know that the calories ‘out’ are greater than the calories going ‘in’. You should be easily losing weight but if you are not you may be not paying enough attention to an often forgotten fact of weight loss […]

The Difference Between A Weight Loss Diet And A Fat Loss Diet

It is easy to get confused between a weight loss diet and one that is focused on losing excess body fat. They are very different and a weight loss diet is focused on the reducing calories while a fat loss diet focuses on ‘metabolic fitness’ and balancing the body’s hormones so it becomes better at […]

2 Smart Strategies For Weight Loss And Metabolic Health

If you are overweight it is likely that you would have embarked on a weight loss diet at some point. After a few weeks of rapid weight loss that got you excited it is possible that you started to experience reduced energy, lower physical activity and an increase in food cravings and appetite. Your body […]

A Food Journal – Your Secret Weight Loss Weapon

If you keep a food journal you could double your success rate at losing weight. A recent study of 1700 overweight men and women who kept a food diary for 20 weeks saw a greater amount of weight lost than those who did not keep one. One of the extra benefits is that it is […]