Is Your Exercise Program Giving You Good Metabolic Fitness And Fat Burning?

Our hormonal health is big business these days and there is good reason for this. Our hormones are the chemical messengers that carry instructions to the systems and processes of our body. They are so powerful they can determine how fast or slow we age, how strong and fit we are, whether we become overweight […]

Weight Loss Is What You Make Of It – You Control It

Most of us lead fairly sedentary lifestyles; there is no question that this is not healthy way to live. It is because of our lack of physical activity that our society faces such an obesity epidemic. Weight loss is near impossible if we are not physically active. But, weight loss is becoming more difficult because […]

Are You Putting Your Hopes In A ‘Get Thin Quick’ Diet Plan?

If you have become overweight it is likely that at some point you will have been tempted to go on some sort of diet plan to lose those excess pounds. You may have even joined a gym and got started on an exercise program as well only to stop it again when the results did […]

Ways to Increase Your Metabolism and Burn Fat Fast

If you have become overweight and wish to lose those excess pounds and reclaim your slim trim body the best way to burn fat is to increase your metabolism – the rate your body burns fuel (calories). There are things you can do to give your metabolism which is your bodies engine an extra push […]

Just Say No To Another Diet – Please

You’ve seen them, we all have – the latest fad diet that promises the world and deliver nothing.  Those weight loss diet plans that seduce us with the idea of fast weight loss. “Lose ten pounds over the weekend” or “lose twenty pounds in 20 days”. The images these diets display are graphic. Large overweight bodies […]

How To Increase Metabolism For Maximum Fat Loss After Years Of ‘Dumb’ Dieting

The left-over legacy decades of diets have left many people especially women with metabolic damage. For the last 30 odd years a zillion different diets have been presented in a myriad of ways – books, magazines television, and of course the internet, yet they do little to increase metabolism and the rate our body burns […]

5 Strategies For Losing Weight And Keeping It Off For Good

The interesting thing about losing weight is that many people think that it a one time process that begins when you make changes that get you losing weight and it ends when you have achieved that.  But it can never really be like that as that would only be a short term fix and the […]

Why Metabolism Matters

Our metabolism is the rate our body processes the food we eat and burns it for energy. If an imbalance occurs and we eat more than we burn off we become over-fat and overweight.  This is what you see happening in the world today with loads of calorie dense processed foods and inactive and sedentary lifestyles all […]

How To Get The Best Fat Loss Results

Many diet plans are designed for short term use and lead to temporary fat loss. Because they don’t want you to get discouraged with losing fat slowly in the beginning they start you on the strictest version of the diet first.  They also want you to believe that their program is effective (at least at […]

2 Proven Strategies To Increase Metabolism

We all know of people who stay slim despite eating anything they want. It is because they have a fast metabolism (the body’s engine) which means they burn more fuel (calories) not only when they are exercising but when they are sitting on the couch watching television or sleeping. Most of us would like to increase metabolism […]