Motivation To Lose Weight – Here’s How You Can Get It

Maybe you are one of the two thirds of us in the world that is in the ‘overweight’ category, stuck or trapped in a too heavy, feel-bad body. You may even feel that your body has failed you and let you down. You know somehow you need to find the motivation to lose weight but […]

Do You Live In An Overweight Feel-Bad Body?

The facts are two thirds of us overweight to some degree or another and when we look closely it is easy to see why. Our modern sedentary world offers little in the way of built in daily physical activity and has us sitting for the best part of 80 percent of our day. Unless we […]

Why Is It So Difficult To Lose Weight?

Many people try to lose weight and fail. Ninety five percent of all diets fail. We may wonder why this is so and what we can do to be successful at weight loss. The problem is most diets do not address the reason why you are overweight. If you have tried and failed to lose […]

Are You Engaged In An Ongoing Struggle With An Overweight Body?

Do you know that at least 50 percent of the developed world’s population is on a diet of some sort at any one time? These people are engaged in an ongoing struggle with food and obsessing about being overweight. You would wonder why we continue to partake in diets when as many as 95 percent […]

Are You On The Diet Merry-go-round?

Many of us are guilty of going ‘on and off’ different diet plans. For the last few decades that is what you did when you wanted to lose weight. Magazines, books and television reinforced that with a huge array of the latest fad diet plans and we were all sucked in to the false promises […]

Fat Loss From Food Not Dieting

Dieting not only drains you while you are busy cutting calories, but it drains your metabolism too. Dieting is – and always has been – a weakness in the human race, especially for women. We are always focused on losing weight, getting into smaller jeans, and trying to look like the latest runway models. The […]

Don’t Start Another Diet – Start A New Active Life

So, you have become overweight and wish to lose a few pounds and are contemplating making some changes to your lifestyle? Those changes can mean going on some sort of diet and unfortunately this is where the trouble starts. For most people to lose weight a diet is the first thing they turn to and […]

Weight Loss Is What You Make Of It – You Control It

Most of us lead fairly sedentary lifestyles; there is no question that this is not healthy way to live. It is because of our lack of physical activity that our society faces such an obesity epidemic. Weight loss is near impossible if we are not physically active. But, weight loss is becoming more difficult because […]

Just Say No To Another Diet – Please

You’ve seen them, we all have – the latest fad diet that promises the world and deliver nothing.  Those weight loss diet plans that seduce us with the idea of fast weight loss. “Lose ten pounds over the weekend” or “lose twenty pounds in 20 days”. The images these diets display are graphic. Large overweight bodies […]

If You Are Overweight A Diet Is The Last Thing You Should Be Thinking Of

If someone has become overweight the first thing we think of is that they should go on a diet. Everywhere we look we see examples of what we should be doing – television, magazines, book stores and the internet are full to overflowing with hundreds of different diet programs and plans. The trouble with this […]