Do you feel you are one of the many people who can’t lose weight, despite the fact that you are eating a healthy diet and are exercising? This can be a very frustrating and discouraging situation to be in and getting stuck in the dieting rut may even lead you to give up the idea […]
Can’t Lose Weight – Here Are The Reasons Why Not
Losing Weight Is Not A One Time Event – It Is A Lifestyle
With close to two thirds of us overweight to one degree or another it is no surprise that many people would love to lose weight. Yet for most of them it is not something that is going to happen any time soon. They eat what and however much they want all year round and prefer […]
A Body With A Slow Metabolism Is A Fat Storing One
If you had ever had trouble losing excess fat weight, you have probably placed at least some of the blame on a slow metabolism – and you may well be right. It is true that your metabolic rate and the rate your body processes and utilizes fuel (calories) can affect your ability to shed body […]
Discover How To Finally Lose That Excess Body Fat
There is a new approach to losing weight that is gaining momentum. It is now recognized that someone who is overweight is likely to have poor ‘metabolic fitness’ which means fat burning/fat storing hormones are unbalanced and inner systems and processes are not working as efficiently as they should be. Losing body fat becomes very […]
Having Trouble With Weight Loss? – Lack Of Metabolic Fitness May Be The Problem
You are trying hard to lose weight and you are cutting the calories and are exercising. You know that the calories ‘out’ are greater than the calories going ‘in’. You should be easily losing weight but if you are not you may be not paying enough attention to an often forgotten fact of weight loss […]
A Food Journal – Your Secret Weight Loss Weapon
If you keep a food journal you could double your success rate at losing weight. A recent study of 1700 overweight men and women who kept a food diary for 20 weeks saw a greater amount of weight lost than those who did not keep one. One of the extra benefits is that it is […]
Strength Training Exercise – Your Best Most Effective Fat Loss Tool
Keeping our muscles toned and in good condition is the very best way to control body weight as it gives a double whammy reducing effect. First, proper strength training exercise done properly is vigorous activity which means a significant number of calories are burned during each session. Second, the additional toned muscle tissue produced by […]
Are You Blaming Your Overweight Problems On A Slow Metabolism?
People are quick to blame a slow metabolism for their overweight problems and they are most likely right on that score. If you have ever had trouble losing weight you have probably placed at least some of the blame on a sluggish metabolism and it’s true – the rate at which your body uses energy […]
How To Increase Metabolism For Maximum Fat Loss After Years Of ‘Dumb’ Dieting
The left-over legacy decades of diets have left many people especially women with metabolic damage. For the last 30 odd years a zillion different diets have been presented in a myriad of ways – books, magazines television, and of course the internet, yet they do little to increase metabolism and the rate our body burns […]
5 Strategies For Losing Weight And Keeping It Off For Good
The interesting thing about losing weight is that many people think that it a one time process that begins when you make changes that get you losing weight and it ends when you have achieved that. But it can never really be like that as that would only be a short term fix and the […]