The Truth About What Is Really Needed For Fat Loss To Happen

Everyone wants it to be quick and easy, but fat loss doesn’t happen without some planning and some effort. I know what you are thinking, what is this person talking about. The fat burner ads, the belly slimming devices, the exercise equipment, the latest ‘fad’ diet, the happy smiling people on the videos shown dancing […]

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How To Get The Best Results From Your Fat Loss Plan

Everywhere we look we see those magic words, “lose 10 pounds in 10 days” or “fast fat loss plan” and we are drawn to these promises that we can ditch our unwanted flab in a hurry. Most of the popular weight loss plans are designed for short term use and lead to short term weight […]

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4 Essential Eating Rules For Fat Loss

How you eat on a fat loss diet is very different from how you eat on a weight loss diet. If you are only concerned about losing weight on the scales your focus is on the restriction of calories and the weight loss you will experience is some fat and also muscle tissue and water. […]

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The Best Weight Loss Solution Is The Health Of Our Metabolism

Most of us are aware that our metabolism which is our body’s engine has a lot to do with whether we are slim and trim or overweight. Some of us have been blessed with a fast metabolic motor, but for the rest of us we can only wish that we could burn more calories than […]

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Three Workout Mistakes That DO NOT Boost Metabolism

Listen up ladies (and men too) – just like the popular fashion show ” What NOT to Wear’” you are about to get a large dose of “What NOT to Do” if your goal is to boost your metabolism (your bodies engine) and shed a few pounds of excess fat weight in the shortest time possible. […]

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Could Diet Burnout Be Causing Your Inability To Lose Weight?

If you have been unkind to your body in your attempts to lose weight both with your eating and exercise habits you could have been working against it and overstressing it. If you are guilty of being on and off ‘fad’ restrictive diets and excessive long duration, low intensity exercise activities you may have damaged […]

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The Difference Between A Weight Loss Diet And A Fat Loss Diet

It is easy to get confused between a weight loss diet and one that is focused on losing excess body fat. They are very different and a weight loss diet is focused on the reducing calories while a fat loss diet focuses on ‘metabolic fitness’ and balancing the body’s hormones so it becomes better at […]

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A Food Journal – Your Secret Weight Loss Weapon

If you keep a food journal you could double your success rate at losing weight. A recent study of 1700 overweight men and women who kept a food diary for 20 weeks saw a greater amount of weight lost than those who did not keep one. One of the extra benefits is that it is […]

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Fat Loss From Food Not Dieting

Dieting not only drains you while you are busy cutting calories, but it drains your metabolism too. Dieting is – and always has been – a weakness in the human race, especially for women. We are always focused on losing weight, getting into smaller jeans, and trying to look like the latest runway models. The […]

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Lose Fat And Find That Thin, Slender, Sexy You

If we are completely honest with ourselves, probably 98% of us want to be thin, slender, sexy, and attractive. Most of us believe that the numbers on the scale are what determine this appeal; but this is very far from the truth. A person’s muscle to fat ratio is much more of a factor. Therefore, […]

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