You’ve done the low carb thing, the low fat thing even the low calorie thing but still you can’t lose weight and that excess fat is still clinging stubbornly to your tummy and thighs. You might be blaming yourself for a lack of ‘willpower’ or ‘discipline’ but be assured it may well have nothing to […]
Can’t Lose Weight? – Here’s How To Fix It
The Truth About What Is Really Needed For Fat Loss To Happen
Everyone wants it to be quick and easy, but fat loss doesn’t happen without some planning and some effort. I know what you are thinking, what is this person talking about. The fat burner ads, the belly slimming devices, the exercise equipment, the latest ‘fad’ diet, the happy smiling people on the videos shown dancing […]
Look After Your Metabolism And Watch Fat Loss Happen
Some of us are guilty of a long history of dieting and yo-yo weight cycling. On again, off again, stop/start the latest fat diet or exercise program and our weight goes up and down like the tide coming in and going out. The more we do this the harder it becomes to really become leaner […]
Is Your Fitness Program Complete?
When someone reaches a point where they know they must make some lifestyle changes they often struggle with what is a complete fitness program. Some people start just with one or two components but often they are not enough to get them the results that are desired. A fitness program does have four different parts […]
How High Is Your Motivation To Exercise And Eat Healthy?
We humans can come up with plenty of excuses why we are not more active. We’re too young; too old, too busy, too tired, or you are already in pretty good shape – for your age. But really, these excuses are pretty flimsy you must agree. There is no excuse not to exercise unless you […]
The Best Weight Loss Solution Is The Health Of Our Metabolism
Most of us are aware that our metabolism which is our body’s engine has a lot to do with whether we are slim and trim or overweight. Some of us have been blessed with a fast metabolic motor, but for the rest of us we can only wish that we could burn more calories than […]
Poor Lifestyle Habits Over The Years Has Reduced Your Metabolism And You’re Now Overweight?
We sweat the numbers on the bathroom scale so much when we become overweight or if we wish to lose fat weight. This is the way it has been for the last 30 plus years. But what you weigh has little to do with 1) the reason you have become overweight 2) how you are […]
The Difference Between A Weight Loss Diet And A Fat Loss Diet
It is easy to get confused between a weight loss diet and one that is focused on losing excess body fat. They are very different and a weight loss diet is focused on the reducing calories while a fat loss diet focuses on ‘metabolic fitness’ and balancing the body’s hormones so it becomes better at […]
Lose Fat With A Metabolism Boost Rather Than a Diet
It is not uncommon to think that because we gained a few pounds, or are overweight, that we simply need to eat less to lose it. This; however, is nowhere close to the truth. The first thing that needs to be done is to find a way to create a metabolism boost. Why, you might […]
A Suitable Workout Will Get You A Fast Metabolism
Have you ever wondered if there was a secret to, not only losing weight, but keeping it off? Surprisingly, there is and it has nothing to do with cardiovascular exercise or dieting. The secret is a fast metabolism. A fast metabolism is not just something some people were born with; it is something you can […]