Do you know that at least 50 percent of the developed world’s population is on a diet of some sort at any one time? These people are engaged in an ongoing struggle with food and obsessing about being overweight. You would wonder why we continue to partake in diets when as many as 95 percent […]
Are You Engaged In An Ongoing Struggle With An Overweight Body?
Are You On The Diet Merry-go-round?
Many of us are guilty of going ‘on and off’ different diet plans. For the last few decades that is what you did when you wanted to lose weight. Magazines, books and television reinforced that with a huge array of the latest fad diet plans and we were all sucked in to the false promises […]
Fat Loss From Food Not Dieting
Dieting not only drains you while you are busy cutting calories, but it drains your metabolism too. Dieting is – and always has been – a weakness in the human race, especially for women. We are always focused on losing weight, getting into smaller jeans, and trying to look like the latest runway models. The […]
A Suitable Workout Will Get You A Fast Metabolism
Have you ever wondered if there was a secret to, not only losing weight, but keeping it off? Surprisingly, there is and it has nothing to do with cardiovascular exercise or dieting. The secret is a fast metabolism. A fast metabolism is not just something some people were born with; it is something you can […]
Could You Be Doing Damage To Your Metabolism With Dumb Dieting?
If you are guilty of on and off yo-yo ‘fad’ diets it is possible you have done some damage to the engine of your body – your metabolism. When food intake is reduced (even just a tad too much) your body goes into ‘survival mode’. It does not know the difference between a famine and […]
Having Trouble Losing Weight? – Your Metabolic Fitness May Be The Problem
You are trying hard to lose weight and you are cutting the calories and are exercising. You know that the calories ‘out’ are greater than the calories going ‘in’. You should be easily losing body fat but if you are not you may be not paying enough attention to an often forgotten fact of weight […]
Pills and Formulas Are No Match For Natural Weight Loss Programs
Pills and supplements that aid weight loss have been around for decades. Their marketers use terms like ‘easy’ ‘fast’ or ‘rapid’ and of course we are interested right away. But weight loss is not a short term solution and that is all these sorts of products can offer. What do you think will happen after […]
Are Your Body’s Fat Burning Hormones Working Against You?
Do you ever feel like your body is working against you? Do you eat a healthy diet and exercise but are just not getting the results you think you deserve? It could be that you have a hormone imbalance – one where you have low levels of fat burning hormones and too high levels of […]
Lose Fat And Find That Thin, Slender, Sexy You
If we are completely honest with ourselves, probably 98% of us want to be thin, slender, sexy, and attractive. Most of us believe that the numbers on the scale are what determine this appeal; but this is very far from the truth. A person’s muscle to fat ratio is much more of a factor. Therefore, […]
Weight Loss Comes From Hard Work And Dedication
There are a number of people who blame aging, metabolism, genetics, and other things on their own weight gain. While some of this is true; none of these reasons are the root cause to obesity and being fat. Yes, with aging comes a slower metabolism, a slower metabolism causes fat gain, etc., etc. But, your […]