The Difference Between A Weight Loss Diet And A Fat Loss Diet

It is easy to get confused between a weight loss diet and one that is focused on losing excess body fat. They are very different and a weight loss diet is focused on the reducing calories while a fat loss diet focuses on ‘metabolic fitness’ and balancing the body’s hormones so it becomes better at […]

Stop Thinking That You Need To Exercise – And Start Doing

We all know we need to have a proper exercise program firmly in place in our lives but how much thinking about it do we need to do? When we see a need, we get an idea, a thought, a dream, a goal or something in our life that needs changing and we have an […]

Could You Be Doing Damage To Your Metabolism With Dumb Dieting?

If you are guilty of on and off yo-yo ‘fad’ diets it is possible you have done some damage to the engine of your body – your metabolism. When food intake is reduced (even just a tad too much) your body goes into ‘survival mode’. It does not know the difference between a famine and […]

Give Yourself A Metabolism Tune Up Not Another Short-Term Diet

For many overweight people they see losing weight as a one-time event. Something that you start (such as a diet) make some necessary short-term changes to your food intake then end it when the excess fat weight is lost. Then you return to the old eating and exercise habits that put the extra pounds on. […]

Don’t Just Lose Weight – Focus On Resetting Your Metabolism So Your Body Becomes Fat Resistant

A true fat loss solution is NOT just about losing weight. It is about making sure your metabolic motor (your metabolism) is running smoothly so you do not have to become a yo-yo dieter on a never ending merry-go-round of weight loss/gain. You’ve seen those athletes with their firm tight bodies that ooze energy and […]

Ways to Increase Your Metabolism and Burn Fat Fast

If you have become overweight and wish to lose those excess pounds and reclaim your slim trim body the best way to burn fat is to increase your metabolism – the rate your body burns fuel (calories). There are things you can do to give your metabolism which is your bodies engine an extra push […]

Just Say No To Another Diet – Please

You’ve seen them, we all have – the latest fad diet that promises the world and deliver nothing.  Those weight loss diet plans that seduce us with the idea of fast weight loss. “Lose ten pounds over the weekend” or “lose twenty pounds in 20 days”. The images these diets display are graphic. Large overweight bodies […]

5 Strategies For Losing Weight And Keeping It Off For Good

The interesting thing about losing weight is that many people think that it a one time process that begins when you make changes that get you losing weight and it ends when you have achieved that.  But it can never really be like that as that would only be a short term fix and the […]

The Four Components That Make A Fitness Plan Complete

Often when people decide to make a lifestyle change and start a fitness plan or eat better they manage to get one or two components right but neglect to have a complete plan. If major changes are needed with your health, such as losing weight, restoring good health or putting the brakes on aging you […]