For decades we have been fixated on dieting and what the scales says in our quest for slimness. Throw in some long slow exercise activity like walking or jogging and you had the formula for weight loss. But now in our modern day science has finally provided the proof that these methods were not the […]
Weight Loss – Eating Right And Proper Exercise Will Do It
Work With Your Metabolism For Successful Weight Loss
For many overweight people weight loss is just another one of those things that they will get around to ‘one day’. They have made up their mind that it really is something they will eventually have to do but keep putting it off as it is often viewed as being ‘too hard’ or ‘too much […]
Why Is It So Difficult To Lose Weight?
Many people try to lose weight and fail. Ninety five percent of all diets fail. We may wonder why this is so and what we can do to be successful at weight loss. The problem is most diets do not address the reason why you are overweight. If you have tried and failed to lose […]
The Best Weight Loss Solution Is The Health Of Our Metabolism
Most of us are aware that our metabolism which is our body’s engine has a lot to do with whether we are slim and trim or overweight. Some of us have been blessed with a fast metabolic motor, but for the rest of us we can only wish that we could burn more calories than […]
Discover How To Finally Lose That Excess Body Fat
There is a new approach to losing weight that is gaining momentum. It is now recognized that someone who is overweight is likely to have poor ‘metabolic fitness’ which means fat burning/fat storing hormones are unbalanced and inner systems and processes are not working as efficiently as they should be. Losing body fat becomes very […]
Three Workout Mistakes That DO NOT Boost Metabolism
Listen up ladies (and men too) – just like the popular fashion show ” What NOT to Wear’” you are about to get a large dose of “What NOT to Do” if your goal is to boost your metabolism (your bodies engine) and shed a few pounds of excess fat weight in the shortest time possible. […]
Could Diet Burnout Be Causing Your Inability To Lose Weight?
If you have been unkind to your body in your attempts to lose weight both with your eating and exercise habits you could have been working against it and overstressing it. If you are guilty of being on and off ‘fad’ restrictive diets and excessive long duration, low intensity exercise activities you may have damaged […]
Poor Lifestyle Habits Over The Years Has Reduced Your Metabolism And You’re Now Overweight?
We sweat the numbers on the bathroom scale so much when we become overweight or if we wish to lose fat weight. This is the way it has been for the last 30 plus years. But what you weigh has little to do with 1) the reason you have become overweight 2) how you are […]
Having Trouble With Weight Loss? – Lack Of Metabolic Fitness May Be The Problem
You are trying hard to lose weight and you are cutting the calories and are exercising. You know that the calories ‘out’ are greater than the calories going ‘in’. You should be easily losing weight but if you are not you may be not paying enough attention to an often forgotten fact of weight loss […]
Eat Better Not Less And Lose Weight
The first thing we tend to consider when we become overweight is going on a diet. As many as half our population at any one time is engaged in an endless struggle with food and body weight. Yet we now know that doing this does not work for 95 percent of the time. You see, […]