There is a new way of eating that is fast gaining popularity and for once it is not another “diet”. It is called ‘clean eating’ and the good news is when you eat this way you can improve your health, lose weight, increase energy levels and protect yourself from disease. There is no health or […]
Join the Clean Eating Revolution
Can’t Lose Weight? It’s Most Likely Your Metabolism
Many overweight people are finding that despite improved eating habits and adding more activity into their lives they simply can’t lose weight. There are a number of metabolic processes contributing to this and when you address them the weight will begin to disappear. Why you can’t lose weight Merely by becoming overweight in the first […]
Can’t Lose Weight – Here Are The Reasons Why Not
Do you feel you are one of the many people who can’t lose weight, despite the fact that you are eating a healthy diet and are exercising? This can be a very frustrating and discouraging situation to be in and getting stuck in the dieting rut may even lead you to give up the idea […]
Why Am I Not Losing Weight?
You are no slacker when it comes to your health – you watch what you eat, cutting back on fat, controlling carbohydrates and use portion control. You can resist sweets and ice cream without a problem and exercise regularly. Yet, the bathroom scale needle still won’t budge. It’s as if those pesky scales are laughing […]
Can’t Lose Weight? – Here’s How To Fix It
You’ve done the low carb thing, the low fat thing even the low calorie thing but still you can’t lose weight and that excess fat is still clinging stubbornly to your tummy and thighs. You might be blaming yourself for a lack of ‘willpower’ or ‘discipline’ but be assured it may well have nothing to […]
Fat Loss Diet vs Weight Loss Diet – Which One For You?
Things have changed with how we go about losing excess fat weight loss these days. That’s if of course if you are savvy and know about the modern fat loss diet and are not still stuck in the old ways to lose weight that we have practiced and mostly failed at for the last thirty […]
Do You Live In An Overweight Feel-Bad Body?
The facts are two thirds of us overweight to some degree or another and when we look closely it is easy to see why. Our modern sedentary world offers little in the way of built in daily physical activity and has us sitting for the best part of 80 percent of our day. Unless we […]
If You Are Having Trouble With Weight Loss You Need To Read This
We have the wrong ideas about weight loss that make the whole process difficult at best and simply do not work at worst. Since most people are not experts in the topic of weight loss they do not see this and follow the old methods like lemmings in the hope they can lose the weight. […]
Get Your Metabolism Humming To Lose The Weight You Want
You may have already heard that a mysterious thing ‘metabolism’ is the solution for losing excess body fat. Yes and it can be controlled and manipulated to a certain extent to work for you (rather than against you) and help you get your slim body back. Metabolism refers to the rate at which one’s body […]
The Truth About What Is Really Needed For Fat Loss To Happen
Everyone wants it to be quick and easy, but fat loss doesn’t happen without some planning and some effort. I know what you are thinking, what is this person talking about. The fat burner ads, the belly slimming devices, the exercise equipment, the latest ‘fad’ diet, the happy smiling people on the videos shown dancing […]